Jurassic World Four years after the destruction of Isla Nublar, dinosaurs now live and hunt alongside humans all over the world. This fragile balance will reshape the future and determine, once and for all, whether human beings are to remain the apex predators on a planet they now share with...
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, the creative minds behind The Lego Movie and 21 Jump Street, bring their unique talents to a fresh vision of a different Spider-Man Universe, with a groundbreaking visual style that's the first of its kind. Spider-Man: Into the...
The modern-gothic original that entranced audiences and critics alike comes to 4K Ultra HDTM for its 30th Anniversary. THE CROW tells the tale of a young musician brutally murdered alongside his beloved fiancee, only to be risen from the grave by a mysterious crow. Seeking revenge, he battles a...
Director Ridley Scott, who created two of Hollywood’s most impactful and stylish adventure thrillers, Alien and Blade Runner, hits the mark again in Black Rain. Academy Award-winner Michael Douglas (Fatal Attraction, Wall Street) and Andy Garcia (Internal Affairs, The Untouchables) play New York...
The Bikeriders captures a rebellious time in America when the culture and people were changing. After a chance encounter at a local bar, strong-willed Kathy is inextricably drawn to Benny, the newest member of Midwestern motorcycle club, the Vandals led by the enigmatic Johnny. Much like the...
Captain Nolan is a man of the sea. Brave and headstrong, he is a fisherman who takes up the fight of his life against one of nature's most fearsome creatures – the killer whale. Featuring the music of award winning composer Ennio Morricone, stake home this thrilling aquatic adventure of...
The Driver is the best ‘wheel man’ for hire. The Detective is the top cop of the force. Nobody he tracks down ever eludes him. Except the Driver.
937 German Jewish refugees seeking haven from the atrocities of their homeland. They soon discover that their escape has been set up as an exercise in Nazi propaganda.
Directed by Jan De Bont, this 1996 edge-of-your-seat thriller sweeps Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton into the eye of one of the most powerful storms ever depicted on film. An estranged couple, Dr. Jo Harding (Hunt) and Bill Harding (Paxton), reunite to deploy “Dorothy,” a cutting-edge tornado research...
Upgrade Grey Trace, a technophobe in a utopian near-future when computers control nearly everything , from cars to crime-surveillance is paralysed in a freak mugging that leaves his wife dead. When a billionaire technologist offers him an experimental paralysis cure. An implanted computer chip...
The Warriors The Warriors are ready to fight their way back to Coney Island, but standing in their path are some of the baddest, out-for-blood gangs in New York City. It'll take every bit of street smarts and every weapon they can find to make it back alive. 2 DISC SET OF THE DIRECTOR'S &...
Baa Baa Black Sheep / Black Sheep Squadron The sky's the limit for high-flying action in popular WWII military series. Ride along with the heroic “Black Sheep Squadron”, a group of misfit Marine fighter pilots. Robert Conrad stars as the unconventional squadron leader, Major Gregory “Pappy”...
The Wraith – Special Edition Blu-ray Packard Walsh and his motorized gang control and terrorize an Arizona desert town where they force drivers to drag-race so they can ‘win’ their vehicles. After Walsh beats the decent teenager Jamie Hankins to death after finding him with his girlfriend, a...
Ray Harryhausen Collection – Blu-ray It Came From Beneath The Sea A giant octopus, whose feeding habits have been affected by radiation from H-Bomb tests, rises from the Mindanao Deep to terrorize the California Coast. Earth Vs. The Flying Saucers Test space rockets exploding at liftoff and...
Hercules & The Amazon Women A village besieged by mysterious unseen monsters is the setting for this disarming display of evil that has Hercules taken captive and tortured. Hercules & The Lost Kingdom Hercules is pursued by his deadly, implacable enemy, his stepmother Hera, who used many...
Harry Burck Jr. and the American ambassador are kidnapped by Colombian drug dealers seeking the release of some colleagues jailed in the U. S. When the U. S. Government refuses to intervene, Harry's friends decide to take matters into their own hands!